
  Yessiow is an illustrator and mural artist from Bali, Indonesia. She decided as a teenager that she wanted to study visual communication design to pursue her passion and dream. Her passion for drawing and art goes back to her childhood, she told us that she loved to draw as a child, to explore her ideas and imagination. Her work is heavily influenced by natural objects and bright colors around her. Currently, she has murals in Cambodia, Nepal, India, and Italy. She is currently enjoying her new hobby, traveling. She’s been traveling and working at the same time since 2018.

  “My experience in murals are usually represented with eye-catching colors, playful elements, and influenced by natural objects and bright colors around me, considering I live in a tropical place, every day I see very blue skies, orange or purple sunsets, as well as, vibrant tropical plants such as coconuts and mango trees. I like to see my work in the public spaces, immersed in the activity of the people who go through or see it every day.” – Yessiow


“The mural is inspired by the craters (vases) found in the excavations of Stabia on which stories, legends, and scenes of everyday life were depicted. The work also linked the sensations of my experience during the pandemic to the crater, all enclosed in a vase to rediscover inner beauty. “– Yessiow
Photo By Nello Maresca
Photo By Nello Maresca

“Il murale si ispira ai crateri (vasi) rinvenuti negli scavi di Stabia sui quali sono state raffigurate storie, leggende e scene di vita quotidiana. L'opera ha anche legato al cratere le sensazioni della mia esperienza durante la pandemia, il tutto racchiuso in un vaso per ritrovare la bellezza interiore. “ - Yessiow
  • Photo By Nello Maresca
    Photo By Nello Maresca
  • Photo By Nello Maresca
    Photo By Nello Maresca

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