Born in Poland, Mariusz Waras, better known as M-City, is one of the best-known street artists on the international scene. His creative production is characterised by the use of Stencils, a technique that has made him famous all over the world. He is a lecturer at the Szczecin Academy of Arts, where he conducts the Painting and Street Art Course at the Department of Painting and New Media, from the next academic year he will also teach the Street Art Course for the Department of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts of Gdansk, where he graduated. In addition to his academic work, he carries out graphic design and illustration activities and builds spatial installations and large-format sculptures. As a street artist, he animates the space with the narration of different stories, where the main subject is always the metropolis, with its infinite variations. His production retains a stylistic emblem that is structured thanks to two distinct inspirations: the first brings us closer to a playful atmosphere, that of videogames, the other of a geopolitical nature that emphasizes the need for a critical approach towards society; thus the artist makes it possible for us to understand how geographic reasons influence political action.
The M-City project which today includes seven hundred murals he painted all over the world, his works are visible in the major cities and nations of the world: Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Brazil, Spain, Thailand, England, Belgium, France, Australia, Serbia, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Finland, USA, Tunisia and more.
The inspiration comes from the story of Hercules, the mythical founder of Herculaneum, a city close to Pompeii and destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79, at the same time, it also comes from the legend that interprets Vesuvius as a monster with two heads, leo and goat, and Snake's tail, the Chimera.
The titan pictured here, holding up the columns, has a reminiscent appearance of the superhero Cyborg, a DC Comics character created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez in 1980, with a bionic eye. Cyborg is best known for being a longtime member of the Teen Titans group of the Justice League.
This element recalls one of the expressive sources that dominate the works of M-City, represented by the graphics of video games and the culture of comics, which certainly inspired his formative years.
L’ispirazione da un lato proviene
dalla storia di Ercole, il mitico fondatore di Ercolano, città prossima a
Pompei e distrutta dall’eruzione del Vesuvio nel 79, e dall’altro dalla
leggenda che interpreta il Vesuvio come Mostro con due teste, leone e capra e
coda di Serpente, la Chimera.
Il titano qui rappresentato, che sorregge le colonne, ha anche un aspetto che rievoca quello del supereroe Cyborg, un personaggio dei fumetti DC Comics creato da Marv Wolfman e George Pérez nel 1980, con un occhio bionico. Cyborg è noto soprattutto per essere uno storico membro del gruppo dei Giovani Titani della Lega della giustizia.
Questo elemento richiama una delle fonti espressive che domina i lavori di M-City, rappresentata dalla grafica dei videogiochi e dalla cultura del fumetto, che ha certamente ispirato i suoi anni di formazione.
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