
  Feoflip is an artist born in the Canary Islands His story begins around the year 2000 when street painting did not receive any artistic recognition. He moved at night to make his pieces of him. Since then he has not stopped painting on the walls and always accompanied him by his black book. His work of art is a hybrid and mutation of science fiction, biomechanics, steampunk, dreamlike visions, and many times you can read an eternal debate between technology and nature, dehumanizing by new communication devices. Feofl!p continues to walk past the next wall, where each mural is a challenge, an investigation, and a story to tell. 

"Mitos Metálicos"

embodied waste, wasted drunk;
smoke the river, diesel in the glass
and Bacchus came out of a bottle* battle in the afterlife,

prosperous oil companies, cover the plastic
the skin of this Earth.
the insatiable thirst, sour society.
left party, and consumed conscience, 
nature is wise, incredulous humanity.

rifiuti incarnati, sprecato ubriaco;
fumare il fiume, diesel nel bicchiere
e Bacco uscì da una bottiglia * battaglie nell'aldilà,

prospere compagnie petrolifere, coprire la plastica
la pelle di questa Terra.
l'insaziabile sete, acida società.
festa sinistra, e consumato coscienza,
la natura è saggia, incredula umanità.

eNcarnao derroche, borracho despilfarro;
el  río y el llanto, gasolin en el vaso
y Baco vino de botella* batallas en el m ás alla,

prósperas petroleras, par cubrir de plástico
la piel de esta Tierra.
la sed insaciable, la sociedad agria. 
fiesta sinistra, y consumida consciencia, 
la natura es sabi, la humanidad incrédula.

”between Vesuvius and Benehuare, Tajogaite and Pompei,

in Palma”
open wound,
mountain bleeding...
wash or stain

to be Venus next to Hephaestus
and his uncontrollable violence, 
sometimes Gaea, 
asking respect for the Earth
or the treacherous swan 
who seduced Leda. 
the mirage
that confuses tragedy and beauty
Centuries and cycles
secret gossip, 
up to 6 months...

”tra Vesuvio e Benehuare,
Tajogaite e Pompei,

a La Palma"
ferita aperta,
montagna che sanguina...
lavare o macchiare

essere Venere accanto a Efesto
e la sua incontrollabile violenza,
a volte Gea,
chiedendo rispetto per la Terra.
o il cigno traditore
che sedusse Leda.
il miraggio
che confonde tragedia e bellezza.
Secoli e cicli
segreto pettegolezzo,
fino alle 6 mesi... 

entre el Vesubio y Benehuare,

Tajogaite y Pompeya, 

en La palma”
herida abierta, 

montaña que se desangra…

lava o mancha

sea Venus junto a Hefesto
y su incontrolable violencia, 
a veces Gea, 
pidiendo respeto por La Tierra. 
o el cisne traicionero
que sedujo a Leda. 
el espejismo
que confunde tragedia y belleza. 
Siglos y ciclos, 
sigiloso rumor, 
hast q es 6 mo...

the fury and uncontrollable hunger of the fire,
blacksmith strength,
reinterpretation of Vulcano,
for Greeks Hephaestus.

la furia e la fame incontrollabile del fuoco,
forza del fabbro, 
reinterpretazione di Vulcano, 
per i Greci Efesto.

la furia y hambre incontrolable del fuego,
fuerza del herrero
reinterpretacion de vulcano, 
para griegxs Hefesto.

  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone
  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone
  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone
  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone
  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone
  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone

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