
  ASUR, born in Albufeira, Portugal, the city where he still resides today. He is the youngest of two brothers, the son of a carpenter and a seamstress. In 2007, at the age of 12, he began painting graffiti on the street, influenced by two schoolmates. Without any type of studies or training in the arts, he became a professional between 2014 and 2015 as an independent worker and artist. Techniques such as, sprays, acrylics, and digital drawing are the methods and skills that allow him to evolve as a graffiti/street-art and mural painting artist.

  Versatile at the base is the realism/photorealism spiced up with fluid lines and straight shapes, politics, social problems, and nature are today one of its inspirations.

"the roman"

”Dream, despite illusions. Walk, despite obstacles. Fight, despite barriers and above all, believe in yourself like Roman warrior !  

 This is the description that I give to this work, inspired from the ancient roman time, a painting that has not wanted to escape the environment that lives in this land." - Asur

”Sogna, nonostante le illusioni. Cammina, nonostante gli ostacoli. Combatti, nonostante le barriere e soprattutto credi in te stesso come un guerriero romano! 

  Questa è la descrizione che do a quest'opera, ispirata all'epoca romana antica, una pittura che non ha voluto sottrarsi all'ambiente che vive in questa terra." - Asur

  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone
  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone
  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone
  • Photo by Claudio Cascone
    Photo by Claudio Cascone