
  The French-born artist Christian Guémy, known as C215, is currently considered one of the best stencil artists around. He has been producing street art for about twenty years through paintings, drawings, and stencils, experimenting with surfaces of all sizes: from mailboxes to old abandoned doors to huge walls of buildings. He started using spray painting techniques in 2005 and his attention was focused on creating portraits of people: the elderly, children, refugees, beggars, that category of people we often forget to recognize in life.

   Guémy 's production was not limited solely to the marginalized and the unknown. In recent years C215 has made several interventions that recall missing journalists or figures of famous people from history, or even stencil representations of Renaissance art. Fascinated by the paintings of Caravaggio and Ernst Pignon, he tries to interact with the urban context by reflecting in his works the feelings that are hidden behind a glance.

C215 participated in the Au-delà du street art exhibition at the Musée de La Poste in Paris: his works were exhibited alongside those of Banksy, Invader, and Shepard Fairey. 

"TITUS spqr"

  The "TITUS SPQR" portrait shows the face of the Roman emperor Titus Vespasian that C215 took from the Titus Flavius ​​Vespasianus statue kept in the Braccio Nuovo, Chiaramonti Museum of the Vatican Museums. Better known simply as Titus, he was the 10th Roman emperor, belonging to the Flavian dynasty. He was a skilled and respected general who distinguished himself for the suppression of the rebellion in Judea of ​​70, during which the second temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. He is known for his public works program in Rome and his generosity in helping the population following two disastrous events: the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 and the fire in Rome in 80. 

  The eruption of Vesuvius in 79 - which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum, and has caused very serious damage to the cities and communities around the Gulf of Naples, and a disastrous fire that broke out in Rome the following year, allowed Tito to show his generosity: in both cases, he contributed with his wealth to repair the damage and alleviate the suffering of the population. These episodes and the fact that no death sentence was passed during his principality, earned him the appellation among contemporary historians of "delight of the human race". Ausonio then resized this appellation by claiming, in Caesar, Titus, that the principality of Titus was rather "happy in its brevity". He visited Pompeii immediately after the disastrous eruption, and again the following year. For his generosity and the substantial agreement with the Senate, he was considered a good emperor by Tacitus and other contemporary historians.

  Il ritratto “TITUS SPQR” è basato sul volto dell’imperatore romano Tito Vespasiano che C215 ha ripreso dalla Statua Titus Flavius Vespasianus conservata presso il Braccio Nuovo, Museo Chiaramonti dei Musei Vaticani. Meglio conosciuto semplicemente come Tito, è stato il decimo imperatore romano, appartenente alla dinastia flavia. Fu un abile e stimato generale che si distinse per la repressione della ribellione in Giudea del 70, durante la quale venne distrutto il secondo tempio di Gerusalemme. È noto per il suo programma di opere pubbliche a Roma e per la sua generosità nel soccorrere la popolazione in seguito a due eventi disastrosi: l'eruzione del Vesuvio del 79 e l'incendio di Roma dell'80.


  L'eruzione del Vesuvio del 79 – che causò la distruzione di Pompei ed Ercolano e gravissimi danni nelle città e comunità attorno al golfo di Napoli – e un rovinoso incendio divampato a Roma l'anno successivo, diedero modo a Tito di mostrare la propria generosità: in entrambi i casi egli contribuì con le proprie ricchezze a riparare i danni e ad alleviare le sofferenze della popolazione. Questi episodi, e il fatto che durante il suo principato non fu emessa nessuna sentenza di condanna a morte, gli valsero l'appellativo presso gli storici suoi contemporanei di "delizia del genere umano". Ausonio ridimensionerà poi questo appellativo sostenendo, in Caesar, Titus, che il principato di Tito fu piuttosto "felice nella sua brevità". Visitò Pompei subito dopo la disastrosa eruzione, e nuovamente l'anno successivo. Per la sua generosità e per il sostanziale accordo con il Senato, fu considerato un buon imperatore da Tacito e da altri storici contemporanei.

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